
Showing posts from 2016

The Fight is On!

A few months ago the Lord put on Pastor Keith's heart to change the service on Sundays. The Lord dropped it in Pastor's heart to have prayer an hour before our morning worship service and to pray expressly for revival. This started this month- September.  The Lord has truly anointed this time as we spend it crying out to Him for revival in each of our lives, in our church, in "the" church, in the nation and the world. Sounds like a mighty big task. But all things are possible with God. He is looking for a few who will give Him their all. He is looking for those who will stop at nothing to see the Church return to its original purpose- to magnify and glorify God and to demolish Satan's strongholds, set the captives free and bring them into the kingdom of God and to advance God's kingdom. Satan has not stood idly be  while we, or any others, step into the water. No! He is fighting tooth and nail and we better expect it and be prepared for an all out war

Revival- reposted from September 22, 2015

Revival By Pastor Keith You hear people say today, “We need revival in the church”, but do they really know what is required of them.   Revival is not like a bowl of instant oatmeal; empty the packet into the bowl, pour a cup of boiling water into the bowl, stir and voila you have a bowl of oatmeal ready to eat.   You ask people, “What are you doing to bring revival to your church?” The answers are always the same and spoken with an indignant tone; “Well I go to church on Sunday Morning” or “I give some money in the offering” or “I sing in the choir” and the list goes on. But what are they doing the other 166 hours of the week? Their day starts in a fury.   Get up and get ready for work, get the kids off to school, work 8 hours a day and take the kids to their sporting practice or events.   Don’t forget ballet, music, pageantry, then it is off to our second job, supper whenever we can get it (families no longer eat together), and then we come home and as we fall across t

New Sunday Morning Format

Beginning on Sunday, September 4, 2016 we will be having prayer from 10:30 am - 11:30 am and then enter right into our morning service at 11:30 am. We are seeking REVIVAL for our nation, our city, the Church and our own individual lives. We want to see God move in a spectacular way in these days to bring souls to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We are committed to crying out and seeking God for a great move of His Spirit in our lives and the lives of those around us. It is time that the Church be the Church and take up the burden and desire to live godly and holy lives and to see souls saved for Jesus Christ in this lost and dying world. We are persuaded that we will live godly in this ungodly world and we will see as many as will come to Christ. Pastor Keith's message this past Sunday was: "The Revelation to Come". In order to receive more revelation of Jesus Christ there comes with it a greater responsibility to Christ. We want to see more of Jesus in our lives an


We at the Shepherd's Fold Apostolic Church are dedicated to praying for Revival for us as individuals, for the Church as a whole- a revival that will spill out into the streets, our cities and our nation- and across the globe.  We are living in perilous times. These things that are happening have been prophesied in God's Word and the Church needs to take heed. It is high time to awake unto righteousness!!  It is time to stop whining and complaining about the way things are and how great they used to be. It is time to get on our faces and repent for our selfishness, arrogance, lukewarmness---our sin! It is time to seek God for an outpouring of His Spirit in these end times in order to arouse the Church to holiness and back to the Ancient Paths of righteousness!!!  No man or woman, or group can EVER bring change without God! This one thing we must remember at this time. Look not to man- but look to God! Jesus Christ is not just an answer, not just a way- but He IS the answer. He

We Are Not Alone

Jude 24,25: "Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To God, our Savior who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power both now and forever. Amen." That word-- keep-- means to preserve, to save,  to watch, on guard. A lot of people try to keep and preserve their bodies with creams, pills, oils, lotions, etc. Just walk through the health and beauty aisle at any store or walk through the malls. They are all over. But there is only One who can keep and preserve us from stumbling spiritually. Anyone can stumble in the natural. But in our spiritual walk we don't have to stumble. Some Christians when they get down, when they do stumble- they have no desire to get back up again. But God can keep us from stumbling.  He can preserve us faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. When things go wrong we don't have to blame God. Like Job, we must k

Time to Fight!

  We have embarked on a new year. Darkness is beginning to flood the nations, the love of many have grown cold and violence is covering our land. Overall God is in control and as we put our faith and trust in God there's no need to fear---but He needs the Church to do its part to bring about a great move of His Spirit in these last days. This certainly is a time when the Church needs to pr ay with fervency and power. Many Christians need deliverance from the enemy camp. Our families and friends need deliverance, the world needs deliverance! They need deliverance from the deception of the enemy and it is only going to come about with much prayer, intercession and fasting and a return back to holiness and godliness. The Church has a responsibility to bring deliverance through effective prayer and intercession to release the power of God. It is the Church's job to break down that dam to RELEASE the power of God to the Church and to the world. It is a time to get a