Time to Fight!

  We have embarked on a new year. Darkness is beginning to flood the nations, the love of many have grown cold and violence is covering our land. Overall God is in control and as we put our faith and trust in God there's no need to fear---but He needs the Church to do its part to bring about a great move of His Spirit in these last days. This certainly is a time when the Church needs to pray with fervency and power. Many Christians need deliverance from the enemy camp. Our families and friends need deliverance, the world needs deliverance! They need deliverance from the deception of the enemy and it is only going to come about with much prayer, intercession and fasting and a return back to holiness and godliness. The Church has a responsibility to bring deliverance through effective prayer and intercession to release the power of God. It is the Church's job to break down that dam to RELEASE the power of God to the Church and to the world. It is a time to get aggressive against the powers of darkness that hold them in his web. It is time to learn how to unleash the powers of heaven against the powers of darkness. It is the time to get serious and aggressive towards Satan and his army.

 It is time for Christians to grow up- into the stature and fullness of the Lord, time to put the past behind us, stop whining about what is or isn't happening, and step up to the call of the Lord to bring revival to this land and across the globe. If those Christians who spend most of their time complaining about the way things are---if they would spend just a fraction of that time and prayed instead--- my, my-- what a change they would see in the world around them-- and in themselves. God is raising up a mighty group of intercessors. He is moving in our midst  throughout the land today. The sleeping giant is about to wake up, and look out, satan, look out! When it does, there will be no stopping it!

Do you want to be a part of this mighty army of God? Then get on your knees and seek the Lord to find out what your part is to usher in this move of God. It will probably very well be the last move of God and we, at Shepherd's Fold Church have put our hat into the ring. We have stepped up the pace, increased our prayers and intercessions, allowing the changes to come in our lives, that God desires (no we're not perfect) but we are being perfected (growing up) along with countless of other churches across the land. Get in the ring! Take up your shield of faith, your sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God- and start to defeat the enemy, take back what he stole from you and your loved ones, begin to demolish strongholds and reverse the plans of satan over your life, your family and friends' lives, your community, your nation and your world! There is no stopping the Christian who lives a righteous life and can wield the power of fervent  prayer and intercession to smite the foe and usher in the Presence of the Lord. Learn to pray and intercede fervently for your lost loved ones and friends. Standing on the sidelines is NOT an option anymore! Get in the ring!

(Submitted by Sis. Donna Parsons)


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