What's Happening?

"Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I pres toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 3:13-14

The Shepherd's Fold Apostolic Church is reaching forward to what God would have us to do and to be. We have gone through many changes over the past few years having lost several of our elderly ministers and members as they exited this life and entered their eternal reward with Jesus Christ. We experienced a great loss with their home going. It left us in a time of testing and trusting, of holding on and coming out on the other side. They leave behind an example and a goal to reach for. Elder George O. Parsons, shortly before the Lord took him home, shared that he had a vision of Columbus and the surrounding area. He saw spots of glory shooting out of the city and the local areas around central Ohio. He did not live to see the fulfillment of that vision. But we are determined to continue moving forward for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

The Lord has added a few to our Church this year- two being baptized in the lovely name of Jesus Christ in February. We are looking forward to great enlargement, not just to us locally, but to the body of Christ in general. God is working behind the scenes and will soon display His glory. Going through the preparations for this is not an easy task. But we must remain faithful and submitted to what He is doing in each of us today. This walk of faith is not for the faint of heart, but for those who are lionhearted, brave and courageous and will not back down no matter how hot the fire gets or how fierce the battle grows. We are victors in Christ and we will see victory, an increase to the body of Christ, backsliders return and are transformed from the darkness and sin that satan had them in- into God's marvelous light.

We are praying and believing that God is going to lead us to another larger building, making room for the ones that He will be bringing in. 

The Women of Faith and Grace meetings that started March 2023 has been a great success. There have been some great friendships spring up from these meetings. Sisters Cynthia, Lynne and Donna head this up and have seen great things happen during their meetings. Lives have been changed, miracles have taken place, prayer requests are being answered- and there is an ever increasing growth and a drawing closer to the Lord. The bonding of these women are becoming stronger and stronger.  

We are on our third year of joining with Samaritan's Purse- Operation Christmas Child. The first year we filled a few boxes. Last year about 20 and this year we are aiming at filling 40 boxes. They are delivered to needy children across the globe- and- we are able to track the boxes and see where they go. It has been such a joy to be a part of this.

This week we are having a Fall Fest outside of our Church. We are looking forward to meeting many in the neighborhood and to invite them to church, pray with them, sing to them, give them free hot dogs and cookies. Our prayer is that many souls will be added to the kingdom of God!!

The Word of God has been rich and deep in this past year. It has brought conviction, confession, repentance, and greater hunger and desire for more of God. We feel Him drawing each of us closer to Him as we learn how to navigate through these last days- to be a light and witness to the lost, to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to whoever or wherever. God has been so good and faithful to us- we want to share all the goodness of God to those in our neighborhoods, our families, friends and those we meet wherever we are. We are the Church- and we must display the compassion and character of Jesus Christ to shine the light into the darkness and see souls saved.  

Be watching for more from this church and others because God is mobilizing a great and mighty army, equopped with all the necessary weapons to fight the good fight of faith, to be victorious over the enemy and bring light into the darkness.  Be blessed, brave, courageous and strong in the Lord!


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