The Fight is On!

A few months ago the Lord put on Pastor Keith's heart to change the service on Sundays. The Lord dropped it in Pastor's heart to have prayer an hour before our morning worship service and to pray expressly for revival. This started this month- September.  The Lord has truly anointed this time as we spend it crying out to Him for revival in each of our lives, in our church, in "the" church, in the nation and the world. Sounds like a mighty big task. But all things are possible with God. He is looking for a few who will give Him their all. He is looking for those who will stop at nothing to see the Church return to its original purpose- to magnify and glorify God and to demolish Satan's strongholds, set the captives free and bring them into the kingdom of God and to advance God's kingdom.

Satan has not stood idly be  while we, or any others, step into the water. No! He is fighting tooth and nail and we better expect it and be prepared for an all out war! But--- we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ (Romans 8:37)  and the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly but mighty through God to the pulling down of Satan's strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). We must fight the good fight of faith. We must not get too involved and entangled in the affairs of the world that it distracts us from our purpose (2 Timothy 2:4) We are fighting a war not with flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers of darkness (Ephesians 6:12)  We must fight in the Spirit!

God is looking for a people, a group of people, an individual- who will stand in the gap- the gap between heaven and hell- the gap between salvation and damnation- the gap between sinner and Savior. We are the called ones. We are the ones to stand in the gap and not just to stand, but to fight in the Spirit. Are you willing to be part of the company of intercessors that is taking down Satan's strongholds and advancing the kingdom of God? What are you willing to do to see things change in your life, in your family, in your city or region? Ask God what He would have you do and then do it.


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