Have You Been Grabbed By God Lately?

Ezekiel 37:1 : "God grabbed me. God's Spirit took me up and sat me down in the middle of an open plain strewn with bones." (The Message Bible)

How would you like to have been Ezekiel? Here he was, a prophet of the Lord, trying to do his best to serve the Lord, warning Israel of their impending captivity, doing his best to preach the word and lead the people to repentance.Suddenly God grabs him and places him in a valley of dry bones and is told to prophesy to the bones.

The church is in a dry area. God is looking for today's Ezekiels  to be willing to be "grabbed by God". Todays' church leaders need to be willing to be grabbed by God. It may not be a big work like it was for Ezekiel, but God is looking for someone that wants to be used by God-someone to speak life and breath into the Church-- someone to speak life and breath into people's lives; someone to speak life and breath into the direction of our nation.

Are you willing to be grabbed by God? Are you making yourself available to God through prayer and study of the word, being wholly committed to His will, leading a holy life? If you are, don't be surprised if someday God doesn't grab you and use you to do His work.

(Taken from Pastor Keith's message, 1/21/2015)


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