Ye Are My Witnessess

Recently Elder George Parsons brought a message on being witnesses from Isaiah 43:10. That word "witness" doesn't just mean speaking to others about Christ. What it really means in the true sense of the word is to be "the demonstration of Christ" on this earth.

We can tell others all we want, but the true witness is one who demonstrates all the attributes of Christ- one who demonstrates His power here on this earth- today! 

Verse 16 tells us that the Lord makes "a way in the sea and a path through the mighty waters."  He demonstrates His power in the earth.  He did it back then and now today He is doing this through His believers.

We, as Christians, are to be His witnesses in the earth today- to be a demonstration of the power of Christ to the world today- through our lives.  The world will see and know that God is at work in the world today.

Are you being His witness today?

(Taken from George Parsons message 11/17/2017)


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