Who May Ascend

Psalms 24:1-6
Verse 3- "Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place?"

Today, like never before we need to know what it means to ascend the hill of the Lord.
We must have those clean hands and a pure heart.  We know all kinds of technology today- but all of our knowledge won't take us up to the hill of the Lord.

Matthew 5 tells us that the pure in heart will see God. All through the Bible it talks about having a pure heart. And yet, how many people, including Christians, do not have a pure heart.  Our thoughts and imaginations are impure due to what we are putting into our minds- TV, computer, music- just to name a few. We must have a pure heart and a pure mind.

2 Timothy 2:21- "Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master."

Isaiah 1:16- "Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away the evil of your doings from before My eye. Cease to do evil"

There is no way that we can make ourselves clean enough to come to Jesus, but once we do and He cleanses us, it is up to us to remain clean and have a pure heart.  Otherwise we will not be able to ascend unto the hill of the Lord- His Presence.

(Taken from Pastor Keith's message, 11/26/2017)


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