Luke 4:1-13

The word "tempted" in verse 1 actually means "tested".  James 1:13 tells us that God does not tempt us to do evil. But we are tested many times. God allows us to be put in situations where the devil can test and prove us. God already knows what's inside our hearts.

When we buy a product it is always a good thing to read the label- see what the ingredients are- what's inside. Well, the devil reads labels. You say you are a Christian. The devil says-- "Prove it!" Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tested by the devil. Job was tested by Satan. All the apostles and anyone claiming to be a disciple of Jesus Christ will face times of testings. There is no way to get out of it. We must be proved genuine. Normally it is at a time when we are the weakest. Christ had been fasting, Job was sick. When we are in weak area- that is when the testing will come.

But good news!! James 1:12 says: "Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him." Verses 13 and 14 go on to say that God does not tempt us to do evil. We are tempted when we are drawn away by own lust and enticed and then when lust is conceived it gives birth to sin and when sin is full grown- it brings forth death. (Note the progression here.) So whether we are tempted by our own desires, or when we find ourselves in a place of weakness- the good news is that we are blessed! Because when we overcome that temptation, when we come through a fiery trial- still believing and praising God- we are a proven product! 1 Peter 1:6-9 tells us that we are to rejoice greatly because our faith is worth more to God than gold- and coming out on the other side of the test-- we will be a praise, honor and glory to Jesus Christ.  The man Job said that even if God would kill him, he would still trust and praise the Lord (Job 13:15 ).

Expect the product to be tested and prove. The genuineness of faith must be made evident-to Satan, to the world and to ourselves. If you are truly desiring to go further with the Lord, He will orchestrate our lives in order to prove and test us. But be assured that God goes before us, with us and will meet us on the only side of the trial.

Tested and proved. Don't you want to have those words stamped over your faith?

(Taken from Pastor Keith's message- January 12, 2014)


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