Matthew 9:37-39: "Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.'"
God has set individual Christians and churches in specific fields. Harvest will come but we must be obedient to the Lord and allow Him to prepare us for the harvest. We can not wait until harvest time and them make sure everything is good to go. No, we must prepare now for time will be short when it is time to harvest.
We must allow God to do the work in us so that His light will shine out from us. Then others will be attracted to that light. Are there people in your pathway that seem to bother you? They may be a nuisance to you or obnoxious or just difficult to get along with. These very people may be part of that harvest to come and we must show them God's love now. As we do this, we are "cultivating" the field for the harvest. Our neighbors, co-workers, family members- they may seem "unsaveable" (if there is such a word)- but only God knows- they may very well be in your life for you to cultivate them by showering them with the love of Jesus Christ, shining the light before them. They will be drawn to you- and they may never know why.
Some Christians don't want to work the "stony ground". But there is stony ground all over. And only God knows- those which seem to be stony may be the very ones that will be saved and end up being great leaders of the end time church. We can not pick and choose who we want to be part of the Church. We must cultivate the field where God has placed us. Sometimes it takes many years or even decades to truly make a difference in your community or family. We must be patient in doing well the work of God and allow Him to bring forth the fruit in His time.
As we pray for laborers, remember- God may be calling us to be the one to go to our neighbors, our family, those we work with, those difficult people that are in our life. Be tender towards the voice of the Spirit for it just might be YOU that he sends!
(Taken from Pastor Keith's message- 9/8/2013)


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