Acts 4:8-14
Verse 13: "Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus."
Peter and John had been arrested for preaching and healing in the name of Jesus Christ. They were then presented to the Sanhedrin- the rulers, elders and priests and scribes- who asked them questions. Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke to them and explained about the resurrection and power of Jesus Christ. The rulers realized that these men, Peter and John had not any formal education yet they spoke with great boldness and they "realized that they had been with Jesus."
The world will not be changed just by the few things that we do or have- our education, going to church, acting religious. It will take anointing of God and this only comes from being in the Presence of Jesus Christ. There is nothing wrong with education but Christians must carry the anointing that comes by spending time with the Lord.
I Corinthians 15:45-49- this reference speaks about the difference between the earthly and the spiritual body. But verse 49 says that we will bear the image of the heavenly Man- Jesus Christ. We must bear the image of Jesus Christ in this life first! Christians put so much off to the future. But we live here and now and the Church must bear- must show- the image, the character- of Jesus Christ- NOW! Education, prominent family names, position in life- these things don't really matter. What matters most is that the world sees and realizes that we have been with Jesus.
God called Moses up to the mountain to give him commandments and instructions. Moses was an educated man. He was next in line to Pharaoh. But that wasn't why God called him. When Moses came back down from the mountain (Exodus 34:29) his face was so brilliantly shining that he had to put a veil over his face. He had been with the Lord! Now our faces may not have that brilliant of a shine, but when we spend time with the Lord, there will be something different about us that others will take notice. They will realize that we have been with  Jesus!
Christians must show forth the image of Jesus Christ. When we spend time in prayer and communion with the Lord, we will not be able to hide the fact that we have been with Jesus. People will take notice and this is what will help lead others to Christ. We must bear His image so we can direct others to Him.
Do others realize that you have been with Jesus?
(Taken from Pastor Keith's message- 9/1/2013)



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