Paul, many times, referred to himself as the prisoner of the Lord Jesus Christ. (See Ephesians 3:1, 4:1; 2 Timothy 1:8; Philemon 1:1 and Philemon 1:9)  He had become dead to his old life when God saved him. He now saw his life as a prisoner. A prisoner has no control over himself and has to answer to the one over him. Paul never looked at this in a negative light, but always in a positive light. He considered it a privilege and honor to be a prisoner of the Lord, to lay down his life for the One Who gave His life for him.
When God saves us, He gives us a new life. We must serve him the rest of our lives. We are no longer in charge of our own lives. We must seek God for direction for our lives. We must yield our wills over to His. Paul felt compelled to serve Christ.
Paul "died daily" (1 Corinthians 15:31). To him it was a daily act of submitting his will over to the Lord. It was a daily sacrifice. Many people today want to be a Christian, say they are a Christian, but they never consider themselves as a prisoner of the Lord. They have never really given their lives and will over to the Lord. They are afraid of losing control. But by losing our control and gaining God's control is what brings in the joy and satisfaction of serving Christ!
Much of the world's philosophy has crept into the church and hinders the Christian today. Have it your way; you take charge; be all you're meant to be and the list goes on. Instead of allowing God to have His way in many Christians' hearts today, they do things the way they want and then want God to bless them. Be assured that with that kind of thinking, that person will suffer the consequences.
Ephesians 4:1 Paul stated that he was a prisoner of the Lord and "beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called."  We need to treat our calling of the Lord with respect and honor and allow Him to do what He desires in our lives. We will never have true rest and peace until we do so.
(Taken from Pastor Keith's message 7/21/2013)


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