1 Samuel 15:13-16
In this text Saul is confronted by the prophet Samuel because Saul didn't obey the command to totally destroy the Amalekites. The  spoil was considered a sacrifice to God. But Saul didn't do that. Instead he spared King Agag, the best of the sheep, oxen, lambs and all that was good. (Verse9). When Samuel confronted him on his disobedience (even while the sheep were bleating and the oxen were lowing)-- Saul denies that he has done anything wrong. What have I done wrong? Instead in verse 13 he makes a statement--"I have performed the commandment of the Lord". It is as if he is saying- Look at me--- I've done a good job! I did what the Lord asked me to do! Aren't I great! Later, Saul gives various excuses as to why he did what he did (or better said- didn't do what he should have done).
Samuel looks at him and says "Be quiet!". When God confronts us on issues that are not pleasing to Him, I can imagine Him looking at us and saying "Be quiet! You are only making it worse trying to justify yourself. You're making it worse."
We definitely live in the age of grace, Praise God-- but God still wants us to do our best to obey Him! When we sin- we need to quickly repent and stop making all kinds of excuses and saying to God- "What have I done wrong?" Denying the wrong doing only make things worse. David was known as a "man after God's own heart" because he was always quick to repent. David sinned- David allowed Satan to use him to try and cover up his affair with Bathsheba by having her husband murdered. But when he was eventually confronted (and be sure- God will eventually confront us on our sin) David didn't justify what he did- he quickly repented and humbled himself before the Lord.
What have I done wrong? When God confronts us- do we ask this question-- or do we quickly repent and humble ourselves before the Lord. Saul eventually lost everything-- his kingship, his men, his family and finally his life because he had a rebellious spirit. Verse 22 & 23 of 1 Samuel 15 states: "So Samuel said: 'Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king.'" God requires us to be obedient to His voice. He would much rather have obedience than all the forms of rituals or traditions that one can think of. God wants to be the leader. He is completely in charge. There is only one leader- and God is that leader in our life. We must submit to His leadership. He is trying to bring the Church together as a unit with ONE leader!
What have I done wrong? To get exalted in ourselves and offer excuses as to why we did what we did is foolish. It is best to quickly submit to what the Lord is doing in our lives, humble ourselves and repent of any wrong doing and allow Him to be Lord in our lives. Don't be like Saul who lost everything because of a rebellious spirit. Have a heart like David- a heart after God- who quickly repented and tried to do better next time.
(Taken from Pastor Keith's sermon 4/14/2013)


  1. Obedience is better than sacrifice.
    An inspiring sermon.
    What have I done? Be quiet because you insult the Lord...we know what we have done.
    Inspiring. Thank you.


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