
Showing posts from April, 2013


My wife and I enjoy taking walks through the Metro and State Parks. I love photography and have all kinds of cameras and lenses and really enjoy photographing wildlife and nature. Recently while we were on one of these walks we met a man who gave us some very good tips on how to get some great photographs of wildlife. He said the key was that you really had to know what you were looking for and focus on that. If you're looking for deer, know when they are out. If you're interested in photographing woodpeckers or other birds, you have to look for their signs and you have to focus on that particular bird. He said that most people just go trudging down the trails, never looking for anything in particular and that is just what they find- nothing. They walk right past a raccoon up in the tree because they never look up. They walk right past a doe giving birth in the field because they never look down. They are only focused on themselves and not on what is happening around them. But


1 Samuel 15:13-16 In this text Saul is confronted by the prophet Samuel because Saul didn't obey the command to totally destroy the Amalekites. The  spoil was considered a sacrifice to God. But Saul didn't do that. Instead he spared King Agag, the best of the sheep, oxen, lambs and all that was good. ( Verse9 ). When Samuel confronted him on his disobedience (even while the sheep were bleating and the oxen were lowing)-- Saul denies that he has done anything wrong. What have I done wrong? Instead in verse 13 he makes a statement --"I have performed the commandment of the Lord". It is as if he is saying- Look at me--- I've done a good job! I did what the Lord asked me to do! Aren't I great! Later, Saul gives various excuses as to why he did what he did (or better said- didn't do what he should have done).   Samuel looks at him and says "Be quiet!". When God confronts us on issues that are not pleasing to Him, I can imagine Him looking at


Acts 2:23-24; 32 - "Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves know-Him, being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified, and put to death. " This Jesus God has raised up, of which we are all witnesses."   The death of Jesus Christ was planned by God. It wasn't a mistake or something that just happened. It was "by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God". Christ had to die in order to be resurrected. Likewise, we must die in our will before we will experience that same resurrection power. Christ lives in us! Galatians 2:20 - "I have been crucified with Christ,; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."   To be a


Recently several from the church volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House making cookies for the families there. Here are a few quotes from those who attended:   "We had such an inspiring day making cookies at Ronald McDonald House. So many people give their time helping there. The facilities are beautiful and help so many families. Any one can go in fix a meal(for 60 people), clean, donate books,etc. I can't think of all the things that can be done. It really touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes (some of the stories we were told). Thank you LORD for letting me a part. Have a Blessed Easter. love ya" (S. Parsons)   "Went to Ronald McDonald house today to bake cookies. I would strongly advise everyone who can to go. Take a tour. See what it is all about. If you don't come away changed, you really need prayer. They can use anything and everything. Donate time or household items or food. They appreciate it so! We will be going