
Mark 3:1-6
Jesus's first words to the man with the crippled hand were: "Step forward".  This means to "Arise into the midst".  Jesus next told him to "Stretch out your hand." If he wanted wholeness his first step was to take a step- forward.The man was used to the crippled hand- he had gotten used to it, had adapted to it. Between "Step forward"  and "Stretch out your hand"- there was a battle raging in the man's mind. The battle between these two statements was in his mind. He had to make the decision of what he was going to do- step forward and receive Christ's healing, or go on like he had in the past. His faith was being tested and stretched.

God wants to stretch our faith. We say we want revival-- God says "Step forward" and "stretch forth". We have to win the battle in our minds. We have to believe that God is going to do what He says He is going to do. Our minds become our biggest obstacle to what God wants to do in and through us. We must conquer all the thoughts, fears, statements and reasonings that go on in our minds. The battle is won in our mind first.

Luke 9:37-43a
A young boy was being tormented by an evil spirit but the disciples were not able to cast out the spirit. Jesus answered: "O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you and bear with you? Bring your son here." He was speaking to a group of unbelieving people. They were not allowing their faith to be tested and stretched. Anyone who has gone through some form of physical therapy have probably used the long rubber bands to stretch their muscles. After awhile, especially if the rubber bands have not been used, they lose their flexibility. They dry rot. You go to stretch them and they fall apart in your hands.  It is the same with us. Some of us have a faith that is dry rotted from not being stretched.

Matthew 8:23-27
Jesus and his disciples got into a boat. A bad storm came up suddenly and the boat was filled with water. But Jesus was asleep. The disciples had to wake Him up. He asked them: "Why are you so fearful,  you of little faith?" This little faith means a faith that lacks confidence, it is underdeveloped. It is a faith that hasn't been tested and stretched. Like those dry rotted rubber bands, their faith just fell apart. Jesus expected them to take care of the situation, but instead they became fearful. They weren't allowing their faith to be stretched.

God brings many tests and trials into our lives. They are not meant to destroy or discourage us. They are meant to stretch our faith. Remember- the battle begins and ends in our minds. The space between stepping forward  and using our faith to believe is as big or little as the battle inside of us. Sometimes we must put reasoning and rationalization aside- and stretch our faith and believe that what God has said- that He will do. Stretch your faith today. Let it be stretched out like those rubber bands- and let it accomplish its purpose.

(Taken from Pastor Keith's sermon 8/19/2012


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