Sowing and Reaping

Mark 4:13-20; Matthew 25:14-30

It is our responsibility to sow- God brings the increase. If we don't sow, we can never reap. We must continue on. We can't be detoured or distracted. We will have setbacks but we can't let it stop us.

Luke 12:48 "...For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more."

Our requirement is to plant. God will bring the increase. Our requirement is to be obedient to sow where God has placed us. It doesn't matter whether it is in a well lit and open area, full of opportunities to be seen or whether it is in a small, dark place unseen by the masses. That choice is up to God. Our responsibility is to sow what and where God has put us. Don't try to open doors that God has left shut. Be obedient to what He is telling you to do. We will never reap if we don't sow where God has placed us.

(From Pastor Keith's Sermon 7/8/2012)


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