Unto Us A Child Is Born

Isaiah 9:6 states in the NKJV:"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." We must remember that the story of Jesus Christ did not end at the stable. He did not remain a babe in a manger. He became a man, lived a sacrificial life and His very reason for coming into this world was to die for the sin of mankind. Through His death and resurrection He made available the means by which we can be saved. It doesn't happen automatically- just because He did this. We must take the gift that He gave us- eternal life- give Him our life in exchange and allow His life to flow through us to accomplish those things He desires. We must turn from our old ways- sin--- repent-- and turn toward His new and living way- being filled with His spirit so that we can become that sacrifice unto Him.

During this busy season take some time to reflect on your relationship with Jesus Christ. We all need areas of improvement. Some need to make a start, others need to make a new and fresh commitment. Wherever you are in your walk with the Lord, ask Him to reveal to you the areas where you need to make improvments, possibly repent of wrong doing or of just being lukewarm with Him. Don't let this beautiful season of the celebration of our Lord's birth go by without really getting serious with Him. He was the Supreme Sacrifice for us. We need to give our lives over to Him as a living sacrifice every day. Let His Spirit and power take you through the coming year. We don't know what lies ahead. His return is very near. He said that He would return and He will. We must be ready. Don't let this opportunity slip away.


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