This New Year

2011 is quickly coming to a close. None of us know exactly what will take place in the following year. One thing is for sure- we need the Lord Jesus Christ in our daily lives. He has to be the center of life and all other affections will flow out of His love. The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Philippian church put it this way in Philippians 3:13,14- Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended, but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."  The New Year is a perfect time to let go of those things which we can not control and put them in the hands of Christ. We also need to let go of bad attitudes and habits- not making a list of resolutions- but simply asking God to help us with those things "that easily beset us"- those things which hold us back from being all that God intended us to be. Let 2012 be the year that you simply commit it all to the Lord Jesus Christ- making Him Lord- which means He has the final say in our lives. The Christian life isn't one of making our plans and asking God to bless them, but to lay down our lives to Him and allowing Him to apprehend us- to get hold of us- to take control- and lead and guide us into the plans that He has intended.

All of us at The Shepherd's Fold Church wish everyone a prosperous and Christ-centered New Year. Plan to spend more time with Him in prayer, Bible study and remember to be faithful in your church attendance. We all need the fellowship of other Christians- it gives us the strength and encouragement to face the tests and trials that come our way. Have a blessed New Year!


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