
Showing posts from July, 2016


We at the Shepherd's Fold Apostolic Church are dedicated to praying for Revival for us as individuals, for the Church as a whole- a revival that will spill out into the streets, our cities and our nation- and across the globe.  We are living in perilous times. These things that are happening have been prophesied in God's Word and the Church needs to take heed. It is high time to awake unto righteousness!!  It is time to stop whining and complaining about the way things are and how great they used to be. It is time to get on our faces and repent for our selfishness, arrogance, lukewarmness---our sin! It is time to seek God for an outpouring of His Spirit in these end times in order to arouse the Church to holiness and back to the Ancient Paths of righteousness!!!  No man or woman, or group can EVER bring change without God! This one thing we must remember at this time. Look not to man- but look to God! Jesus Christ is not just an answer, not just a way- but He IS the answer. He