
Showing posts from September, 2015


Revival By Pastor Keith You hear people say today, “We need revival in the church”, but do they really know what is required of them.   Revival is not like a bowl of instant oatmeal; empty the packet into the bowl, pour a cup of boiling water into the bowl, stir and voila you have a bowl of oatmeal ready to eat.   You ask people, “What are you doing to bring revival to your church?” The answers are always the same and spoken with an indignant tone; “Well I go to church on Sunday Morning” or “I give some money in the offering” or “I sing in the choir” and the list goes on. But what are they doing the other 166 hours of the week? Their day starts in a fury.   Get up and get ready for work, get the kids off to school, work 8 hours a day and take the kids to their sporting practice or events.   Don’t forget ballet, music, pageantry, then it is off to our second job, supper whenever we can get it (families no longer eat together), and then we come home and as we fall acro

Podcast Link

New for the Shepherd's Fold Apostolic Church Link is at the top of the page in tabs: Podcast If you can't join us in person, join us on our podcast.


REVIVAL SERVICES October 23-25 --Friday and Saturday Night  at 7:00 pm Sunday Morning at 11:30 am  Come join us for worship, praise and God's Word JESUS IS STILL THE ANSWER! Men's Breakfast  Saturday, November 7th 9:00 am at the church Annual Christmas Cookie Swap   Date, time and details to come!

Politically Correct or God Correct?

Acts 4:13-22 19 But Peter and John answered and said to them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. 20 For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." 21 So when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding no way of punishing them, because of the people, since they all glorified God for what had been done.   The world has changed the wording on many things. It no longer calls sin sin- but "life style" or "choice".  It calls good evil and evil good.  But God doesn't change to suit the trends of the world. What was once sin, is still sin. Wrong is still wrong in God's eyes no matter what the courts or the world  says. His Word does not change.  The Je