(Taken from sermon preached by Sister Suzanne Parsons 8/25/2013)

Zechariah 14:6-9
Verse 7- "It shall be one day which is known to the Lord- neither day nor night. But at evening time it shall happen that it will be light."
Light here means revelation. There must be enlightening of the Word of God in our lives.
Verse 4-"But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase."
The vision that was given to Daniel was sealed for an appointed time. We must seek the Lord for wisdom in these times. We won't just get it if we are not seriously seeking God NOW.
We need spiritual knowledge. The Word of God will be enlightened in the end times but we must read and study the Word now, so that when that appointed time comes we will be ready to be enlightened. Even now as we read and study God enlightens the scripture to us. We must grow in the Word after our initial salvation experience. There is a growing and a maturity in the Word that we must strive for. We must not stay away from Church, but be part of it- using our gifts, talents and ministry to fulfill God's purposes in the Church. If we can't stand now, we won't stand later.
The LIGHT will come and reveal the Word to our spirits. Our spirits will be enlightened. We must read and pray- every day, every day, every day and every day!
Habakkuk 2:3 says the vision is for an appointed time. We must be ready for it when it is revealed.
Rev. 3:14 warns about the lukewarm church- neither cold nor hot and God will vomit it out. We must be stirred and fired up in the Lord.
Saints! We must be prepare ourselves now and be ready. 


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