2 Corinthians 2:11: "lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devises."
The children of Israel were defeated many times because of sin. But we have the Holy Spirit to be victorious. The only way we are conquered is because we want to be! We are the one who gives up. We don't want to fight anymore. We don't want to listen to God. We become weary in the battle. But we are not ignorant of his (Satan's) devices.  We need to remind Satan and ourselves that certain things are under grace. Satan pulls out all the things we have done wrong and takes advantage of us. We need to be smart about it. He tries to get us off track even if it just a little. Just enough to through us off balance.
1 Corinthians 14:38: "But if anyone is ignorant, let  him be ignorant."  If we won't pay attention to Satan's devises we will be overcome- conquered. As long as we think we are okay, just did our duty- go to church then leave the same way we came-- there won't be any change in us and Satan will take advantage of that. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-5 tells us that "This day" should not overtake us as a thief. We are not in darkness. We can't be conquered if we stay in the light. We are "sons of light and sons of the day". We are in light! There is no reason for us to be conquered when we stay in the light of Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 64:6 tells us that "our" righteousness is as filthy rags. We have no righteousness of our own, our accomplishments, our works, etc.  We are what we are because of Jesus Christ and not because of what we have accomplished. When we allow arrogance, pride, self-righteousness, self-promotion to rule in our lives- we will be defeated- because Satan will take advantage of that sin. We deceive ourselves if we think that we are the one.
The only way we can truly be defeated by the enemy is because we have allowed it by allowing these things to rule in our lives. We should not be ignorant of Satan's tactics. We must be on guard at all times, totally living our lives in the light of Jesus Christ and not allowing that darkness to be a part of our lives.
Don't be ignorant! Be aware- be vigilant!
(Taken from Pastor Keith's message 6/23/2013)


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