What an awesome privilege it is to be able to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Many Christians in other countries do not have the freedom to publicly worship and celebrate Christ as they desire. If they do, they are subject to anything from verbal harassment to actual physical harm, imprisonment and possibly death. In spite of this, many Christians this Sunday in restricted nations will come out in public and worship the One Who died for them. They have already made up their minds that their life is not their own and that they will worship and celebrate Jesus Christ in the face of persecution or even death.
How many "Christians" will take advantage of the freedom that we have in our country and go to Church this Sunday? There is no fear of harm or imprisonment and yet many will take the day and do other things rather than spend some time worshipping and celebrating the One Who gives us Life! We have an amazing freedom here in this country and we as Christians need to take advantage of it while we can. We do not know how long we will have this privilege- but while we do- let's make the most of it! Take the time to celebrate, worship and praise and thank God for sending us His Son Jesus Christ to pay the debt of sin that we would never have been able to pay. People in the Old Testament sacrificed animals and it only covered up their sin. But we live in the New Testament day- when the blood of Jesus Christ- once and for all- paid the debt of sin for any and all who would believe (put their whole faith, confidence and trust) in Him. Believing is not just something we do mentally- it is taking the life of Jesus Christ- trusting completely in what He accomplished through His death at Calvary, resurrecting from the dead- and then made a way for us to receive His very Spirit in our lives so that we are able to be transformed into His image.
Worship Christ this Sunday! Take advantage of the freedom we have and celebrate with all Christians the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Without the Resurrection- we would all still be lost in our sins with no hope of ever seeing God.
All of us at Shepherd's Fold Apostolic Church want to wish everyone a blessed Easter Sunday and later when you spend time with your family- make sure that you remember just what the day is all about. Show forth the love of Jesus Christ to those who are lost. Be that witness and testimony to them with your life.


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