Peace on earth?  At this time of the year we hear this phrase repeated in song and verse. But we ask ourselves, where is this peace on earth? Even without the recent terrorist events in the world, where is this peace on earth we hear so much about? Is it hypocrosy? Is is a myth? Is it a form of denial? Just where is this peace on earth? The global economy is collapsing, entire countries are in anarchy, civil war and blood shed. Thousands have died in Syria in the past year not to mention Nigeria, the uprisings in Egypt and Lyia over the last year. There is war within and without. Sickness and death, suicides, murders, super storms, fires, floods, earth quakes, drought and famine. Thousands homeless, unemployed, and we could go on and on. Those in our own government can't even agree with each other. So where is all that peace we talk about?

Isaiah 9:6 "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shouilder and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace." Jesus Christ was sent into the world to be the Prince of Peace. He must first rule in each individual's heart. Christians know that there will not be total peace on earth until Jesus Christ returns and restores His kingdom. But when He came the first time, He came to bring us peace in our hearts. In the midst of chaos, it is possible and esential that we have this peace. I have heard many say that even during their trials, their personal storms-- that when everything around them seemed to be falling apart, Christ gave them that peace inside-- the peace that passes all understanding.

At this time, if Jesus isn't ruling within your own heart, ask Him to. Ask Him to come and take over your life completely. Then the Prince of Peace will fill your heart and soul. He is the Only One who can bring this peace to your life.


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