Happy Thanksgiving

We at the Shepherd's Fold Apostolic Church want to wish everyone a very Blessed Thanksgiving. As we spend time with our families and friends, we take time to give thanks for all the many blessings that the Lord has given us. Several in our church have gone through physical afflictions this year and the Lord has brought them out of each one. We are so very thankful that Sister Lynne has finished up all her cancer treatments and is clear of cancer. We offer God the praise and thanks for all that He has done for her! We are so very blessed. Continue to pray for her that her strength will continually be renewed. Also the Lord brought Bro. Parsons through a very bad illness this summer and he is doing well now. Sister Parsons took a very bad fall in September and we praise God that she suffered no broken bones or severe injury. Also the Lord has brought Bro. Lanning through some illnesses and he is still praising the Lord at 93. We have come through some severe storms in the natural as well as the spirit. We thank God for all that He has done and has brought us through them all. I think many Christians can say the same- that if the Lord had not been our side this year- all our enemies would have swallowed us alive- but praise God we serve an AWESOME and MIGHTY GOD! He reigns in our hearts and in the world today, no matter how bleak things may look. If we stay close to His side, keep our hearts and spirits open to His voice, the Lord will continue to lead and guide us through the rest of this year and on into the next. The Lord is soon returning for His people, but in the mean time we must serve Him with our whole heart, be steadfast and true to His name, help meet the needs of those around us and continually be thankful for all that we have. We may not have all the things we want or even think that we need, but Jesus is our Jehovah Jireh- and He will provide for all our needs. He is El Shaddai- the all-sufficient One- the all powerful One. He will carry us through whatever the future holds. Stay close to Him, enter into that Secret Place, that Hiding Place with Him, commune and feast with Him-- and He will protect, provide and keep us close by His side.

Have a very Blessed Thanksgiving!


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