
Showing posts from 2022


  A new year is upon us at The Shepherd's Fold! God is healing, delivering, saving and restoring, taking us into deeper depths and higher heights as this year unfolds.  2021 was a sad and challenging year, as we have heard many testify of the same. In April, we lost a dear friend of the family and sister in the Lord. She lost the battle with cancer but gained her eternal reward. A few days later Sis. Donna lost her oldest brother to heart disease. In September several of us came down with Covid and Sis. Suzanne Parsons ended up in the hospital with complications and on October 12 the Lord took her home unexpectedly.  We were all quite saddened by this great loss but God is moving us forward.   As another year is upon us, we are determined more than ever to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, pray and intercede for souls, help those in need around us, and care and love each other deeply.  2021 was a difficult year, but God brought us through.  He did more than just bring us through,