Access To All

Matthew 9:9-13
Matthew was a tax collector. Back then tax collectors were considered thieves because they usually took a portion for themselves. In verse 10 of this reference it says: "Now it happened, as Jesus sat at the table in the house, that behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Him and His disciples."  He sat with these sinners.  They were interested in what Jesus had to say. The Pharisees of course taunted Him, wondering why He was sitting with tax collectors and sinners.  Jesus remarked: "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.....I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance."  In other words, if you already consider yourself righteous, you are denying the access that Christ has granted. 

Jesus called everyone but not everyone came.  He made access to all, but not all took the opportunity.  Here the tax collectors and the sinners took advantage of that access.

Sometimes in our churches and our walk with the Lord we limit the access to "certain" types of people.  Some Christians don't want to "get their hands dirty".  They don't want contact with the "undesirables" of the community.  They think that these types of people wouldn't be a benefit to their churches.

Luke 7 verses 36-50 describes the incident of one such "undesirable".  A sinful woman comes into where Jesus was and anointed His feet with oil.  Now, Simon, whose house it was where Jesus was visiting, had open access to Jesus- but he didn't do certain things for Jesus.  He did not greet Jesus with a kiss; he didn't anoint His head with oil.  But this "sinful" woman came in and standing at His feet behind Him weeping she began to wash His feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. She kissed His feet and anointed them with fragrant oil.  To the crowd, this woman had no business being there.  She was a sinner and had no right to be there or do these things for Jesus.  But-- Jesus gave access to all- including her.  The others had that same access but didn't act on it.  Having Jesus to his house, Simon was just putting on a display- as if to say: "Jesus visited here today!"  Having all access Simon still not take advantage. But this woman, came in through the access offered by Jesus and displayed a love towards him that far surpassed those around her.

He gives access to all!  None will be denied!  But not all will go through the access door- Jesus Christ Himself.  And there are some who don't want to deal with hardship cases in the church or their community.  They would rather have those with money, prestige and fame.  It makes them and their church look good.  But that isn't God's plan.  His plan is that through Jesus Christ access is given to all!  It doesn't matter what your standing in the community, your list of accomplishments and status.  What matters is that you take advantage of the access given to you through Jesus Christ. No one is turned away!

(From Pastor Keith's message, Sunday, December 10, 2017)


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