
Showing posts from August, 2016

Revival- reposted from September 22, 2015

Revival By Pastor Keith You hear people say today, “We need revival in the church”, but do they really know what is required of them.   Revival is not like a bowl of instant oatmeal; empty the packet into the bowl, pour a cup of boiling water into the bowl, stir and voila you have a bowl of oatmeal ready to eat.   You ask people, “What are you doing to bring revival to your church?” The answers are always the same and spoken with an indignant tone; “Well I go to church on Sunday Morning” or “I give some money in the offering” or “I sing in the choir” and the list goes on. But what are they doing the other 166 hours of the week? Their day starts in a fury.   Get up and get ready for work, get the kids off to school, work 8 hours a day and take the kids to their sporting practice or events.   Don’t forget ballet, music, pageantry, then it is off to our second job, supper whenever we can get it (families no longer eat together), and then we come home and as we fall across t

New Sunday Morning Format

Beginning on Sunday, September 4, 2016 we will be having prayer from 10:30 am - 11:30 am and then enter right into our morning service at 11:30 am. We are seeking REVIVAL for our nation, our city, the Church and our own individual lives. We want to see God move in a spectacular way in these days to bring souls to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We are committed to crying out and seeking God for a great move of His Spirit in our lives and the lives of those around us. It is time that the Church be the Church and take up the burden and desire to live godly and holy lives and to see souls saved for Jesus Christ in this lost and dying world. We are persuaded that we will live godly in this ungodly world and we will see as many as will come to Christ. Pastor Keith's message this past Sunday was: "The Revelation to Come". In order to receive more revelation of Jesus Christ there comes with it a greater responsibility to Christ. We want to see more of Jesus in our lives an