
Showing posts from June, 2015

Praying for Revival

We at the Shepherd's Fold Apostolic Church are praying for revival: in our world, in our nation, in our community, in our homes and in our individual lives. The greatest thing to bring about revival is to have a correct view of Who God really is. According to scripture-- He is Holy and therefore He requires that His people be Holy as well. This holiness is not in outward appearance but an inward attitude of the heart- a separation of ourselves to be totally God's possession. These things don't happen overnight and change must come to individuals as we pray for this revival. We must allow the change to come. As we separate ourselves to the Lord- in our hearts--  ( we can't take ourselves out of the world- we are in the world- but not of the world)-- as we continually humble ourselves before a Holy and awesome God- God will bring about the change required. Isaiah said that he was "undone" when he truly came into the majesty and holiness of God. We, also,