
Showing posts from April, 2014
We have been enjoying a season of refreshing at Shepherd's Fold. His Presence has been blessing and stirring our hearts and the Word has been digging into our spirits. God has been dealing with us on going deeper into the waters of His Spirit and setting Godly priorities in our lives. Also He is continuing to show us that part of our job is to reconcile the world to Christ. As we take these Words and apply them to our lives, God is bringing about changes in all of our lives. The Church must be ready to follow the Lord's will. We must continue to be trained and equipped so that when He is ready to launch us out- we will already have gone through the changes necessary. We recently had the great privilege to baptize two people in the lovely name of Jesus Christ. We are expecting to see them filled with God's Spirit as they lay down their lives for Him. God is just so good and He is a holy God and we must seek to be holy as He is holy. We must not take His grace for grante