Isaiah 9:2 "The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined."
Isaiah was looking ahead to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was the Light to the world. The prophets spoke about the Light then they were silent for 400 years. Imagine, after all the prophets and the Word of the Lord to the people, God did not speak for 400 years! It was a very dark time during those centuries. Many held on to the prophecies about a Messiah, a Redeemer, a Light to come.
And then, suddenly-- it happened! The heavenly hosts came upon the scene and lit up the darkness.  Luke- 2:8-20 relates the story of how the angels came to shepherds to announce the good news-- the Savior, Redeemer- the Light-- Jesus Christ-- had finally been born.
Today- many are still in darkness, even though it has been thousands of years since the Light- Jesus Christ came to earth. At this time of year, many reflect on the "story" not even realizing that it is relevant to today. Many need that Light- Jesus Christ.
God has a remnant in the earth today. Those who are serving God and waiting for His return. Like burning embers, the remnant will be stirred by the Holy Spirit and in time will cause a great flame and fire to come forth. We have the Light in us now. Christians should be walking in that Light now and drawing others to the warmth and love of Christ.
(Taken from Pastor Keith's message 12/1/2013)


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