
Showing posts from May, 2013


Text: John 12:22-26 Verse 23 - "But Jesus answered them saying, 'The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified."   The world is waiting for Christ to be glorified in the Church. It is time now. In order for this to happen- for new life to happen-- there must be death. When a grain of wheat dies in the ground, it will rise to new life in its season. It will produce much grain. (V. 24)   We, as Christians, must be willing to die to the things of the world. We must give up our ideas and our stubborn ways, and allow God to bring forth the things that He wants us to produce. Just like that grain of wheat- we must die to ourselves. The whole concept of Christianity is one of death- dying to self- our own plans and self-preservation. We must allow Christ to have His way in our lives.   But- we don't want to die. We don't want to give up those things that we think we must have. It brings pain. Sometimes we like to see just how much we can get aw