
What's Happening?

"Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I pres toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14 The Shepherd's Fold Apostolic Church is reaching forward to what God would have us to do and to be. We have gone through many changes over the past few years having lost several of our elderly ministers and members as they exited this life and entered their eternal reward with Jesus Christ. We experienced a great loss with their home going. It left us in a time of testing and trusting, of holding on and coming out on the other side. They leave behind an example and a goal to reach for. Elder George O. Parsons, shortly before the Lord took him home, shared that he had a vision of Columbus and the surrounding area. He saw spots of glory shooting out of the city and the local areas around central Ohio. He did

Refuge in Christ

Pastor Keith Parsons 9/22/2024  

We Go Back

 Pastor Keith's message from 01/22/2023

OK, I've Taken the First Step

Pastor Keith's message from 01/15/2023  

Women of Faith & Grace

Women of Faith & Grace A monthly women's ministry meeting coming March 25 at 11:00am.  10:30 am- come early for a continental breakfast and meet some of your sisters in Christ. This is a ministry out of the Shepherd's Fold Apostolic Church under the covering of our Pastor Keith Parsons. It will be a time of worship, praise, prayer and a relevant study from God's Word. We want to minister to women and build up their faith and help them find their destiny and purpose in God. It is open to any women who desires to go deeper in God and fulfill their God given destiny; to encourage and prepare women to face the challenges of this day; to prepare a Bride and Army of the Lord Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter what Church you are affiliated with, come and join us!  

New Beginnings

Pastor Keith's message from 1/1/2023    

New Beginnings

 The Shepherd's Fold Apostolic Church has gone through several changes in the last couple years. In 2019  our beloved 99 year old missionary to Bangledash and good friend Bro. Herman Lanning went home to be with the Lord.  In that same year Bro. George O. Parsons, our Pastor's father, evangelist, and loving family man joined the heavenly hosts.  In 2021 Sis. Diane McMillion had her homecoming and received her crown. Then that same year Sis. Suzanne Parsons, wife of George and mother of our Pastor and Cynthia, Lynne & Timothy received her heavenly reward. Also that same year Sis. Donna lost her brother. We have come through great loss and sorrow, but the Lord has brought us out to the other side.  2022 was a year of physical and spiritual healing in our body of believers.  We prayed, cried and found that we had more physical and spiritual strength than we knew was possible. We stand today because the Lord has brought us through.  The Lord has done great things and we give Hi